Plowing Pictures, After

Kayla Garden Hat

I got these pictures of Kayla after Emma came.

Kayla is working for most of the day in the gardens now, and while she works she keeps Emma in a papoose that our friend Kimmi gave us.

On the very best of days, this is what farming looks like to me.

Kayla with Emma in ErgoKayla Emma Bando 3-25-14Kayla Flowers to Left 3-20-14Kayla Emma Bright Trees in back 3-20-14

Kayla working in garden a month after baby

Kayla working in garden a month after baby

Emma spends the time out of her papoose in a stroller at the edge of the garden.

Emma spends the time out of her papoose in a stroller at the edge of the garden.


Emma Crying with Kayla 3-20-14Kayla Emma Red Nails 3-20-14

Baby Emma, two-and-a-half months

Baby Emma, two-and-a-half months

5 responses

  1. What a beautiful baby Emma is. And the whole series of photos is delightful.

    I keep forgetting to ask… I became curious about your category, “A Wee Wife” after I received a gift from a company called Indigo Wild, and one of their catalogs. They have a category of products for “wee ones” and the whole “Wee Family”. Since they’re all chemical free, artificial fragrance free, and so on, I wondered if Kayla might be using their products. Whether the answer to that’s yes or no, it’s a great category name!

    And of course it reminds me of the nursery rhyme from my childhood, Wee Willie Winkie .

  2. Justin, you are a lucky and much blessed man! Now three beautiful girls at home and Emma has that adorable little upturned smile of her mom”s! Love your blog, keep it coming. 🙂

    • Thank you so much Cindy! Emma does have Kayla’s smile! I am thankful every morning, noon, and night for how blessed I am. And these girls are as fun as they are beautiful! Have a wonderful day Cindy, thank you! Justin

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